Money back scheme suggestions for law firms

The UK’s Most Generous Money Back Scheme
At Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment we offer some of the most generous money back offers available. We thought we would share these with you in case any of them are of use to your firm.
1. CV Writing Guarantee
We guarantee to every client that if they are not satisfied with their CV advice or preparation that we will refund our fee in full. We started offering this in May 2000 and also offer it to our Legal Career Coaching clients.
Number of refunds to date = 0.
2. Ten-Percent Unlimited
We guarantee unlimited recruitment for 12 months – ie you will be able to replace any candidate you take from us through the scheme with another candidate as required.
3. Legal Recruitment
We offer 12 month flexible payment option – if the candidate leaves before the end of the 12 months, you simply stop paying us at that point.
Law firms could offer guarantees to clients, and I have come across some who do it. 
Conveyancing is one example – if your customer is not happy with the service you provide, you will guarantee to refund their fees in full and pay for another conveyancing firm to complete the work. This is known in the marketing world as “risk reversal” and can be reassuring to clients.
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